5 Tips for Local SEO1. How often should I be posting to GMB? At a minimum, you should be posting on Google My Business once every 7 days. Many businesses post once per day, and have seen good results and improved rankings. Google tends to look favorably on businesses that use Google products frequently. 2. How long do GMB posts last? Posts do expire after one week, so you'll need to keep updating them. Google has confirmed that most Google Posts are removed seven days after they are first published. 3. Does posting on Google My Business Help SEO? Yes! Google my business posts are a great way to improve your overall SEO strategy. By posting to Google it can help you generate more organic clicks. Google posts come with CTA buttons which will encourage users to take action off the post. These organic clicks on the buttons, in return, will build up your page rankings. 4. How do you know if you need local SEO? Any business with a physical brick & mortar location OR that serves customers in a particular geographic area needs Local SEO. Select 3 of your important keyword phrases (the things that customers would type in looking for a business like yours) and type them into Google. If you're not listed on the first page of Google's results, give us a call or click here for details on our SEO local packages! 5. How much does local SEO cost? Local SEO pricing can range from $75 to $5,000 per month, according to our own observations of our industry. A study of SEO pricing by Moz found the majority of agencies charge a monthly retainer between $1,500 and $5,000. Get more details on our local SEO and check out our MUCH LOWER rates here! Search Engine Optimization + GMB = More Leads & Sales!Search Engine Optimization | SEO
Online marketing is the hottest thing in the business world today. According to statistics, a majority of clients rely on search engines such as Google to find goods and services within their localities and beyond. As such, it is almost mandatory today for every business owner or manager to have a business website in place. However, having a site is one thing and attracting online traffic is another.
To maximally benefit from online marketing, you must ensure that your company’s website is among those appearing on the first pages of prominent search engines whenever potential clients search for particular keywords. To achieve this, you will need a boost from several Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools. Here are five of the most effective tools that will help you get a top SEO ranking and a subsequent substantial online traffic. Google PageSpeed Insights Among the SEO practices that determine the ranking of a website is its usability and speed. The Google PageSpeed Insights tool helps you to know how usable your company website is on a variety of devices like desktops and smartphones. Most importantly, the tool checks the loading time for your URL and advice you on the areas to improve on. Google Trends How you phrase keywords on your company website and blogs go a long way in determining how much traffic comes your way. Going by the general SEO practices, the value of a keyword changes with seasons and localities. Google Trends helps you to know which search terms are trending at a given time and which ones are popular in particular regions. DeepCrawl The content you write on your company website and blogs may at times be a hindrance to the success of the site on different search engines. DeepCrawl scrutinizes information on the site and points out the various technicality problems that you may need to iron out to push your website up the rank. QuickSprout Website Analyzer This is a tool that comprehensively analyzes and give solutions to nearly each of the common SEO practices. The tool will tell you which links are mostly associated with your company website, what your competitors are doing, and the tags to make in your content. Responsive Design Test This tool will help you know how your company website appears on different devices. The tool will help you have sharp websites both on computers and phones, consequently raising your SEO ranking. There are numerous tools out there that can significantly impact your company’s SEO ranking. However, the few discussed in this article are good for a start.
Contact Crawford Designs today, to learn more about ranking higher on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
In writing this post, I wondered about the spelling of 'Optimize'. I often see it spelled with both an s and a z. According to the research, "OptimiZe" is the American spelling, and "optimiSe" is British spelling (also Canadian). The academically correct version depends on who your audience is. So, that was the first tip... on to the actual SEO tips of the day:
Here's a lesser known attribute of JPG (.jpeg) images that can help with optimizing your site. Right click any jpg image and choose properties... then click the details TAB. Use the site name or article heading as the Title. Place your H1 Heading or tag line in the Subject field. For Ratings always 5 stars. Keywords in Tags and paste your entire article into the Comments field. You now have perfectly optimized images for Google to find and they will often show up in the "Images For (search term)" in organic search. Not only that but will be matched to the article, as well, if the keywords are not those that people pay lots of money for in Adwords. Even so your article can still show up on page one with enough backlinks.
February 2025