The first week in August is National Simplify Your Life Week, a week to get organized and de-clutter for a more stress-free lifestyle. Negative clutter can invade every area of your life—not just your closets. Relationships, finances, kids, jobs, health and spiritual well-being are all adversely impacted by the unnecessary and harmful stuff we accumulate and hold onto. With crazy schedules and growing responsibilities, we are all looking for ways to simplify our lives.
Here are six top tips to 'simplify your life':
At Crawford Designs, our motto has always been, "Keeping it simple. Web. Graphics. Print." We know that these three areas of marketing are definitely not simple, but if you have a game plan, everything falls right into place. Let us help you simplify your marketing. Contact us today for a free consultation on your upcoming web and print projects. How do you introduce yourself? What information do you present in the first ten seconds? How do you finish? Making the sale is all about how you structure your pitch. Executive coach and public speaker Kathy McAfee explains how to properly construct an introduction to maximize your time efficiency. McAfee argues that while showing excitement for your product is important, it's paramount to show restraint and tease the audience into wanting more. Once you get into the conversation with the audience, McAfee shows how to keep potential investors interested without letting them dominate the discussion. Now that summer is drawing to a close, it's time to start up on the speed networking again. York and Adams County business professionals can sign up now for the September event, and I recommend that you sign up sooner rather than later because seats are going fast. There is limited space available.
The next speed networking event is Monday, September 19, 2011. Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Location: RCS Financial Group Office at 55 Wetzel Drive, Suite #3, Hanover, Pa. 17331. So what is speed networking and why should you do it? That's a good question. Thanks for asking. Speed networking is a take off of speed dating where participants rotate around a room and spend a short time span (usually 3-5 minutes) making a first impression with potential dates. At the end of the evening, speed daters pick the people they'd like to know more about and exchange contact information. Speed networking operates in a similar fashion. You spend a short period (3 minutes) with each participant introducing yourself and making connections. During this time you should share your business card, brochures, and other promotional materials. When you get back to the office, you'll follow up with those people you'd like to get to know better and build a deeper relationship with. Just like in speed dating. This is a fun and exciting way to meet new prospects for your business. Register today for the next speed networking event. Lunch included. |
January 2025