You've been in business a long time and you've had a lot of press releases written over the years. So you know what it takes to capture the attention of the press and get your business in the limelight. But what if you're making your move online and you want to publish press releases on your website or distribute them to press agencies over the Internet. Should they be re-written?
This is a tricky question because in the end a press release is a press release. It serves one purpose. You are trying to win the attention of news editors in order to get them to write a story about you. Is there a different strategy for online press releases? Yes and no. You'd write the press release for online distribution pretty much the same way you'd write it for off line distribution except for one big difference. It's called SEO. Search engine optimization. Your press release will get a lot more attention if it is written as much for the search engine audience as it is for the news audience. That means you want it to rank well for specific key phrases that people (news professionals) will search for. Also, you must realize that your press releases published online have the potential to be read by members of the general public so you really have three audiences: 1) Search engines; 2) News professionals; 3) The general public. As long as you address the needs of your three audiences, your press releases will do their jobs well.
Do you know what kind of domain names are best for PPC and SEO? According to a study conducted by Domain Sherpa, the best domain names are generic domain names.
Why would that be the case? If you think about how searchers search for information online, they almost always conduct searches based on keywords - not brands. For instance, a searcher in Adams County, Pa. looking to buy a house will likely search for "real estate for sale" and then they might add a specific geographic area to narrow their search. But they are more likely to conduct a generic search for real estate for sale than to search for a specific real estate agent or broker. The same goes for searchers looking for information on purchasing an automobile, researching iPods, and those looking for suitable golf courses. Generic domain names match the needs of searchers seeking information on generic topics. If a searcher is looking for a specific brand, they are more likely to type the name of the brand into their Web browsers. Or they might search for that brand. Bottom line, if you want to cast a wide net and snag prospects looking for generic information, then target them with a generic domain name. In the old days, direct marketers could tell you which day of the week was the best day to send a direct mail piece out on. Then there was e-mail marketing. Studies show that you should send your e-mail marketing message out on Thursday because you'll get more opens and click-throughs on that day. But what about blogging?
Blogging is a little different. Unlike e-mail or direct mail marketing, with a blog you can achieve high search engine rankings. The more you do it the better your chances of seeing your content rank in the top 3 positions on Google and Bing. With that in mind, then, every day of the week is the best day to blog. In fact, you could say it's better to blog three or four times a day every day of the week. After all, not only is quality important, but quantity can get you there as well. Ideally, you'll focus your content on quality and quantity. But let's face reality. You do have a budget. So when should you blog? How often and when? You should blog as often as you are able to and as often as your budget will allow. When you blog, focus on your efforts on delivering high quality content that talks to your target market in terms they can understand. Otherwise, what's the point? The future is heading to greater sharing. Subscribe Button, Timeline, Improved Friend Lists, A Faster Way to Message on Mobile, etc. View the video below for all of the details, and learn more about the updates at the Facebook Blog.
Facebook set the Internet on fire when they announced that today would be the day they'd make a huge announcement. They are planning to change social networking forever. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?
You may be wondering what all the fuss is about. You weren't even using social networking, you say. So what? The big "so what" is that you should be social networking. And you should pay attention to Facebook. It is the most trafficked website online so that alone makes it relevant. But what is social networking? Social networking is using online websites like Facebook to meet new people, build relationships, draw connections, and entice people to do business with you. All without leaving the comfort of your small business executive desk. Sounds fun, doesn't it? It is fun, and it's profitable - if you do it well. I don't know what Facebook has up its sleeve (I'll find out, like a lot of people, this afternoon), but I do know that they've been battling it out with new social networking site Google+ for a couple of months. And I wonder just how Facebook will change social networking forever. You should wonder too. |
February 2025