There are a lot of marketing strategies that your business can employ. However, it can help if you know which strategies are known to produce the best results. Using these strategies can help your business grow. Paid Social Media In general, social media is a great marketing tool for your business to be using. You can step it up by using paid social media. With paid social media, you can overcome many of the challenges that come with organic social media and you can explore many new benefits. Paid social media allows you to strengthen your social media marketing. You can use paid advertisements and posts to promote your business. This can help you reach more people or more directly reach your target audience. Your marketing strategy can be much more effective than if you were promoting your business to a general audience. Text Message Marketing One of the best ways you can market to your consumers is by getting in touch with them directly. Text message marketing is a tool that will help you do this. With texting, you can quickly communicate with your consumers and you have a higher chance that they will see your messages. A majority of people open all of their text messages, so there is a large likelihood that they will at least see your messages. SMS marketing is also very versatile. Introducing multimedia content into your messages can increase engagement by 250 percent. For example, you can include photos, videos, GIFs, and other graphics. This makes your messages more interesting and people may be more inclined to follow through. Email Marketing Most people check their email every day. In fact, they likely check their email multiple times a day. This is a great channel to use to communicate with your consumers and promote your business. Using email marketing is highly effective. It’s affordable, direct, and fairly simple. You just need to make sure you do it right. To get the most value out of it, you need to make sure you are providing your customers with value. Provide them with relevant, personalized information. Make it easy for them to link to your social media pages and website.
Marketing your business can be done in a lot of different ways. It may be best for you to try multiple approaches so you can see what works best for you. To start, try some marketing strategies that are known to work well. Get the results you want with our website design services! Contact us to get started.
Every business needs to develop strong marketing strategies. With the right marketing, you can increase brand awareness and grow your business. Of course, it’s helpful to know which strategies will bring you the most success. SEO Marketing SEO or search engine optimization marketing is centered around improving your overall ranking to increase website traffic. Your SEO ranking determines where your website will appear in a search. For example, a high ranking will put you near the top on the first page of search results. By improving your SEO, you can increase your exposure and make it more likely for people to click on your website. Your ranking can be improved in a number of ways. Start by increasing the quality of your website with a pleasing design, faster loading speed, easy navigation, relevant content, etc. It pays off to put time into your website. The better it is, the higher your ranking will be, and more people will see it and be exposed to your business. Content Marketing One marketing strategy that is becoming widely popular is content marketing. With content marketing, you regularly produce content related to your business. For example, if you own an insurance company you might write blog posts about different insurance types or common insurance questions people have. The benefit of content marketing is people will often be searching for information related to your business and if they find your content, they will also see your business. Having a lot of content can also boost your credibility and make your business look more reliable. Marketers around the world believe content marketing to be the most effective digital marketing technique. Social Media Marketing Many businesses have begun to embrace the use of social media for marketing. Social media is an excellent tool because it reaches a very wide audience, and it allows you to advertise and interact with your customer base. There are many social media platforms you can choose from, so you can find some that facilitate your marketing needs. You can use social media marketing to advertise your products and services, gather feedback from your followers, and increase your brand awareness. There are tools available to help you manage and monitor your social media marketing.
When you employ efficient marketing strategies, you can increase the awareness of your business and find more clients and customers. It is an essential part of growing your business. Using multiple strategies can help you toward success. Enhance your marketing efforts even more with a great website! Contact us to get started. (daily)
1. Buffer for simple & easy social media scheduling and analytics 2. Pocket for saving the great content I find (weekly) 3. Nuzzel for email digests of popular articles on social media 4. Feedly for discovering new stories to share 5. Pablo for creating engaging images 6. SumAll for weekly email reports (regularly) 7. BuzzSumo for influencer research and headline ideas 8. Followerwonk for Twitter stats & analysis 9. SocialRank for follower insights 10. Canva for creating graphics So many amazing tools that people have built to make social media sharing that much easier, faster, and smoother! What are your favorites?
Social media platforms are constantly innovating, so we're sharing this checklist to reflect all the latest and greatest features of the most popular social media channels.
1. "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you."
2. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter!" 3. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." 4. "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." 5. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go." 6. "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple." 7. "A person's a person, no matter how small." 8. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." 9. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." 10. "Being crazy isn't enough." 11. "From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" 12. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful 100 percent!" 13. "Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!" 14. "In my world, everyone's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!" 15. "How did it get so late so soon?"
Conclusion Although these 16 rules were created almost 6 years ago, they are still very relevant for any business that is looking to use Social Media Optimization in today's wired world. Creating relevant content that speaks to a target audience, but does so with authenticity and a fresh perspective is almost guaranteed to provide rewards in terms of greater reach to a wider audience in the social network. About the author: Celena Watson - Passionate writer and blogger. I have written on many different topics which include demand generation, outbound sales, inbound sales, lead management, lead nurturing, inside sales, demand generation and many more. For more info visit lead generation Building a positive image has always been an important part of doing business. A good reputation has a domino effect as satisfied customers tell other people and bring more customers, resulting in an upward spiral of growth for the business. In today's business world of computers and the Internet, creating and maintaining a positive image of your business has become even more crucial as more and more people rely on information that is freely available in order to make buying decisions of all types. Online Reputation Management is the practice of tracking, monitoring and, often, replacing bad online coverage with good coverage to positively affect Internet search results. Continuous vigilance over the kind of information that is being posted to the Internet from different sources and making constant efforts to highlight positive coverage while suppressing negative coverage will contribute to building a strong online brand reputation for any business. With consumers increasingly going online to get information before making purchasing decisions, company websites, and online communities like social media sites, blogs, micro blogs and online review sites have become the new publicity management avenues for businesses today. Sources that contribute to the online reputation of a business
Conclusion For businesses that do not have the internal resources or the technical ability to continuously monitor their online brand, using an online reputation management service may be the best option. Firms specializing in managing the online presence of a business or brand offer the easiest way for a business to protect their online presence without spending any time or effort away from actually running the business. Author: Celena Watson On March 30, 2012, all Facebook Pages will get a new design. Here is a helpful video from the Social Networking Academy, and a list of what changes are coming your way. Main Facebook Page Changes: 1). Cover Photo – Some interesting restrictions have been placed on what you can and can’t have on your cover photo;
Cover images must be at least 399 pixels wide and may not contain:
2). Your Profile Picture which will initially be the top part of your avatar, must be square and at least 180px wide 3). You Can No Longer LAND on a Custom Tab!!! Welcome pages and tabs still exist, but you can no longer default to land on any tabs. As with the timeline on your profile your photos and apps show in the central section in boxes, which means we can add a nice looking graphic to our Welcome pages and tabs to encourage people to click on them. Here’s what FB say about the central boxes; Photos, likes and apps are now at the top of your Page. Photos show in the first spot, but you can change the order of everything else so people see what matters most. You can show a maximum number of 12 apps, so make sure to put your most important ones first. I have to say I’m really disappointed that you can’t land on your custom landing tabs anymore, but somewhat relieved that we still have them! 4). You Can Pin Posts to the Top of Your Wall!The main design is the same as your profile page so as with that you can now add posts at different dates in the past, you can feature your post by clicking the star so it covers the width of your page, or you can hide it from your page altogether, but the really cool feature is being able to pin specific posts to the top, kind of like a ‘sticky’ post in forums. 5). There’s a brand new admin panel from which you can see your notifications, new likes, insights and the new private messages that people can now send you from your page! From your admin panel you will also see the Manage button which gives you access to the main editing section of your page (Basic Info, Manage Permissions, Apps and so on). Not much has changed in there apart from the Manage Permissions section which no longer has the default landing tab section! – Boo! Also from the admin panel, you can access Facebook ads, a function to share your page and to invite friends, plus access to Facebooks help section. 6). New Message Feature! I mentioned above messages, well now your fans can message you directly! The messages will show within your admin panel and you can respond from there. 7). Tab Pages are now BIGGER! I believe the official size is 760px, I’ll keep you posted! 8). You will AUTOMATICALLY get the new design on March 30th. So jump in there and make the most of it, because it’s coming whether you like it or not! What Does #FF Mean?
Simple Answer: Follow Friday... It’s one of a handful of abbreviations used in Twitter that confuses new users, and then they avoid using it. I remember the very first time I saw #FF messages. My Twitter feed was littered with them but I couldn’t figure out what it all meant. I felt left out – what is #FF? what am I missing?! So, for those of you who are asking yourself those questions right now, here’s a short guide to Follow Friday… #FF is short for #FollowFriday. It’s a Twitter trend created back in 2009 by Twitter users that has since become a customary Friday activity. An #FF is a shout out, a show of appreciation, a nice thing to do. Each Friday you can recommend Twitter profiles that you appreciate and enjoy to all of your followers. The idea being that your #FF recommendation will encourage others to check out that profile, generating more followers for them. Sooo...... long story - short, this Tuesday's Twitter Tip is to show appreciation for a profile that you appreciate, and #FF them this Friday ;) |
January 2025